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101 lines
42m ### ##### ##### ### ### 0m
42m # # # # # # 0m (Version 1.0b)
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42m # # # # # # # # # # 0m
42m # # # # # # # # # # # 0m
42m ### # # ##### ### ### ### # # 0m
The 1mTropicDesign0m product 1mIFF2Icon0m converts an IFF/ILBM-File into a Icon-File or
optionally uses the default Icon. OS2.04 or better needed.
42m-- Table of contents ----------------------------------------------------- 1 --0m
Section 1..................Table of contents
3..................About the program / usage
4..................Technical stuff
5..................Concluding words
42m-- Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --0m
The Copyrights of this Freeware-program and its Sourcecode are owned by the
author Hanns Holger Rutz, follow this rules for (re)distribution:
- you may not raise more than $3 for copying (disk included, postage and pak-
kage not).
- the following files must be redistributed together in one directory:
3m IFF2Icon 0m(the executable)
3m IFF2Icon.dok 0m(German Doc-File)
or3m IFF2Icon.doc 0m(English Doc-File)
3m IFF2Icon.asm 0m(optional Sourcecode)
All these files must stay unaltered - we're not talking filenotes, dates and
protection-bits :-)
4mThe user him- or herself is completely responseble0m for any damage or loss of
data (no matter, if user or computer) caused by any of the files listed above!
The Sourcecode may only be used for private learning reasons.
42m-- About the program / usage --------------------------------------------- 3 --0m
Everyone knows IconEdit - a nice proggy, but you can only create very small
Icons. As opposed to this program, 1mIFF2Icon0m is used via Shell and converts IFF-
pictures of any size into Icons - I myself prefer painting Icons with Deluxe-
Paint, a great program. Ya I know, there are numerous of programs like dis, but
I had to satify myself - and I couldn't find any similar program one day...
the shell-usage:
3mIFF2Icon [<IFFFile>] [To <IconFile>] [<IconType>] [<HighlightType>]
<IFFFile> 0mName of the IFF-graphic; if no name is given, my program will
use the default Icon of the particular type;
3m<IconFile> 0mName of the Icon to be created; ".info" needn't to be added,
and "disk.info" either - the name of the device is enough; if
there's already an Icon with the same name, the old Icon-type
is used, otherwise it can be specified via 3m<IconType>; 0mif
such a type is missing, the program trys to find out, what
kind of file you want to create an Icon for; 3mGarbage 0mcannot
be recognized; if you do not specify a name, the IFF-graphic
is saved to the default Icon;
3m<IconType> 0mType of the Icon: 3mDisk, Drawer, Tool, Project 0mor 3mGarbage;
<HighlightType> 0mThis tells 1mIFF2Icon0m how the Icon should react when selected:
3mComplement 0mis the default; 3mBackFill 0macts similar, but areas
filled with the Background-color (0) that touch the borders
of the Icon won't be inverted (try it!); 3mImage 0mmeans, that
you want an alternative image to be displayed on selection
- the program divides the IFF-file into two vertical pieces:
the upper half is used for the normal image, the lower one
for the alternative image;
Besides this, the program breaks, if you neither specify 3m<IconFile> 0mnor 3m<Icon-
Type>, 0mbecause it simply doesn't know what kinda default Icon you want to have.
Of course, the program uses the 3micon.library, 0mso changes on the Icons become
immediately visible if you're working with your WorkBench. Well, that's almost
all, but...
- for sum strange reason, the program sucks a few KiloBytes when run. I don't
know why, sorry; for all you programmers: this happens everytime I call
3mPutDiskObject() 0m(no, the reason is not, that my Ram-Disk gets more full :-)
- when 1mIFF2Icon0m trys to find the Icon-Type on its own, SoftLinks are always
treated as Directories - who cares...
So have fun with it! One last hint: For another strange reason the Icon-graphic
on your workbench is displayed in the 3D-border with margins of 2 Pixels
(above) and 1 (not 2!) Pixel (bottom) - to eliminate this cosmetic thing, just
save your IFF-brushes in a manner that you preserve an empty line at the
bottom; IconEdit does so, too, by the way.
42m-- Technical stuff ------------------------------------------------------- 4 --0m
Well, I'm too tired, just look at da Sourcecode...
42m-- Concluding words ------------------------------------------------------ 5 --0m
Jo, folx. Short proggy - short comments. Send everything you don't need any
longer to this address:
c/o Hanns Holger Rutz
Auf dem Godenstedter Berg 17
D-27404 Zeven